10 Top Tips to get your Skin Summer Ready

Summer for me is the season to kick back and relax whilst enjoying time spent outside with my family. I try keeping my routine simple, easy and effective as possible. With that in my mind the below are my must have’s for Summer.

1. Broadband Light Therapy a.k.a BBL

When choosing my treatments for the summer I like to treat the damage left behind from the sun. BBL treats just that, creating a flawless complexion. This is one of the most popular treatments we do at Dermology.

Bonus: You start seeing results from the first treatment!

2. Laser Hair Removal

If you're not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hairlaser hair removal may be an option worth considering. Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in South Africa.

3. BB Cream

We have all heard about BB Creams, this is the original and my favorite go to make up, not only does it give great coverage, but it is also a treatment for redness and impurities.

4. Herbal Care Lotion

A toner with a retinol mimic. Removes excess make up and gentles loosens dead skin build up leaving the skin smoother and refreshed.

5. Universal Cleansing Lotion

Universal Cleansing Oil is a very effective way to remove makeup as it proves to be a more effective way to breakdown oil, dirt and makeup deposits in the skin. This oil cleanse gently rolls away surface dead skin cells. It is highly rejuvenating and brightening, nourishing and soothing all skin types.

6. Zinc Stick

Suffer from Hormonal Pigmentation and need that extra coverage. Zinc oxide is a natural sun blocker that stays on your skin for hours when in the water and is a prominent ingredient in this range. It won't burn your eyes and is great for people with sensitive skin conditions. Plus, it has a Skin Tone color, no more white stripes!

7. Permanent Make Up

With my foundation taken care of what better way to wake up than with perfect brows and smudge free liner. Adri Pretorius takes care of our clients when it comes to fabulous permanent make up. With years of experience, she is someone you can trust for brilliant results.

8. Anti-Oxidants

Antioxidants protect skin by limiting the production of free radicals, which can damage skin cells. Antioxidants in skin care products can do a lot for the health and appearance of your skin, including reducing the signs of aging. Not sure which one is perfect for your skin. Let us help you choose.

9. Nails

I am hard on my nails and I find by getting my nails done by Phuti, our in house nail guru, with Shellac my nails look great for longer than regular polish and it doesn’t chip!

10. Eye Lashes

With my brows and liner done by Adri our Permanent Make Up Specialist I need fuller and longer lashes and I achieve this by using our lash enhancing serum, so I can flutter my way through summer.


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Email: reception@dermology.co.za
Building 3
Rivonia Office Park
150 Rivonia Road


+27 72 817-8160
Email: winelands@dermology.co.za
1D New Eskdale Street
Block A, Second floor
Cape Town


+27 72 094-1673
Email: groenkloof@dermology.co.za
107 George Storrar Drive
Whitelies Aesthetics


+27 64 803-2300
Email: ballito@dermology.co.za
Izulu Office Park
Rey's Place
Block A 102


Dermology’s goal is to produce the best results possible for all our patients, however, everyone is different. Responsiveness to procedures, protocols or ingredients may vary from person to person. Consultation are compulsory.