We treat Rosacea patients every single day at the Dermology skin and laser clinic. It is a very common condition which is best treated when the early signs of rosacea start to appear. If you have rosacea or know of someone who has rosacea, BBL TM is such a wonderful tool to help the skin look and feel dramatically better. Dermology skin and laser clinic uses BBL TM (Broad band) light technology to successfully reduce redness, flushing and broken capillaries. On average, 4 treatments, spaced 2- 3 weeks apart are generally required to achieve a good result. Treatments take approximately 45 minutes. The patient will be flushed after treatment, but can resume normal activities and go back to work the next day.
Treatment Options :
• BBL Forever Young™
• NDYAG for Spider Vein removal
Sensitive Skin often shows fine texture and responds quickly to any hot or cold applications. This type of skin will damage quickly in the sun or wind.
Treatment Options:
• BBL Forever Young™
• NDYAG for Spider Vein removal
Small Veins around the nose corners are very common. Most people have it. In addition to pigmentation and damaged skin, veins can become visible on the skin.
Then we use the below procedure to improve the concern:
• NDYAG for spider veins removal
• BBL Corrective™