Skin Concerns > Scarring


What you don’t know about Scars…

Ever heard of Keloids? Acne scars? YES! At Dermology we improve all type of scars on a daily basis. From small scratches to big Keloid Scars. A scar can carry not only physical damage to the body, but in many cases also emotional damage to. Therefore it is such a carefully thought out procedure plan in order to improve the physical scar, and then finally the emotional scar.

What type of scars do we get?

There are many different types of scars that we can get on our bodies e.g. :

• Post Inflammatory Hyper pigmentation (PIH)
• Flat Scars
• Keloids
• Contracture Scars
• Hyperthrophic Scars
• Acne Scars
• Surgical Scars

More about scars: 

When you see a scar, it represents the last step of how the body is trying to heal itself after it was damaged. The damage can be caused by many different occasions such as burns, skin conditions, accidents, surgery, trauma and even acne! Some people are much more prone to scarring, specifically Keloids, and therefore will form Keloidal Scarring even after the slightest trauma to the skin e.g. a skin piercing.

Once the body has gone through any of the above mentioned trauma, it will undergo the scarring process. The scarring process is part of the wound healing method of our bodies. First the body needs to control any bleeding and it seals the wound. This will prevent bacteria to enter the wound and cause infection. Once the wound is sealed, collagen will jump into action to do the real repair and closing of the wound.

Even though it does not look like it from the outside, scars can take over a year to heal completely. New or fresh scars can be identified by its red appearance during the first three months. This is just one of the first steps of the healing process. Scars can heal almost 100% or it can go the completely other way and appear extremely thick, we call this a Keloid. Keloids generally grow beyond the edges of the actual scar. A Hypertrophic Scar will also be raised, however it will not grow beyond the scar borders.

At Dermology we treat all scars specific to its symptoms, taking colour, size and texture in mind. Additional treatment will include “taping” the scar (if fresh) to avoid further thickening of the tissue. Another method we like to combine with certain scars is a Cortisone Injection. This can be done the same time as the Laser procedures.

Once a Keloid formed, surgical excision is general the last option. As any cut to the skin is more than likely to end in a Keloid. Therefore Laser Procedures have become the more effective method of treatment for Keloids.
Acne Scarring
Flat Scars
Wound Healing
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Some patients are more prone to develop Keloid scars. A Keloid scar is an overgrowth of scar tissue that develops around a wound, usually after the wound has healed.

Treatment Options :

• Profractional Laser XC™
• Nano Peel
• BBL Forever Young™
What are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are the skin’s reaction after large acne or pimples have healed. When pimples or acne spots heal, it can leave “brown flat spots” or “pseudo-scars” in some people, which heal in about few months. But in some other people, especially when there are deep nodules and cysts, there can be very deep holes or thick scars after the pimples heal. Some people are more prone to scarring because of hereditary factors.

What is the Treatment for Acne Scars?

Early and prompt treatment is the mantra to prevent scar formation. The only sure method of preventing or limiting the extent of scars is to treat acne early in its course, and for as long as pimples or acne spots exist. The more that inflammation can be prevented, the more likely it is that scars can be prevented. Years ago, there was really very little that could be done for acne scars, but today, there are multiple treatment options available depending on the type of acne scarring seen on the face.

Treatment Options:

There are multiple treatment modalities available, which one you will need is dependent on whether the acne scars are superficial or deep.

When you visit Dermology skin clinic for the first time, our skin specialist will assess the depth and type of scarring you have. From there we will discuss the best treatments for you skin, how many treatments are needed and the healing time if applicable.

• Profractional XC™ for scarring
• Nano Peel™
• Cosmelan™
• BBL Forever Young™
• Moxi™
A normal flat scar can sometimes leave a dark mark.

Treatment Options:

• BBL Forever Young™
• BBL Corrective™
• Moxi™
• Fire & Ice Peel
We can also speed up the healing process of a wound. Since our lasers stimulate collagen, it is also healing.

Treatment Options:

• BBL Forever Young™
• Profractional XC™ for scarring


+27 76 424-8809
Building 3
Rivonia Office Park
150 Rivonia Road


+27 72 817-8160
1D New Eskdale Street
Block A, Second floor
Cape Town


+27 72 094-1673
107 George Storrar Drive
Whitelies Aesthetics


+27 64 803-2300
Izulu Office Park
Rey's Place
Block A 102


Dermology’s goal is to produce the best results possible for all our patients, however, everyone is different. Responsiveness to procedures, protocols or ingredients may vary from person to person. Consultation are compulsory.